Industry data

As you are aware, one of the Petroleum Institute of East Africa (PIEA) objectives is to provide the industry stakeholders and policy makers with reliable statistical data and literature. The PIEA has continued to meet this objective by sharing information and data through the Petroleum Insight (PI) Magazine which is published on a quarterly basis.

The PIEA secretariat collects and collates data for publishing in the PI in liaison with the Industry Data Verification Committee on the basis of the Petroleum Act 2019 and in compliance with the Competition Act 2010 To enhance governance and reliability, the PIEA Board approved the digitization of PIEA data collation and reporting systems.

To ensure that our data unit remains sustainable we shall from the Board approved resolution be charging a nominal fee for data sets that are detailed beyond what is published in the PI every quarter. The nominal fees per every annual quarter for different data sets/clusters  can be downloaded by clicking here.

Also you can send an email enquiry for data  t This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  and/or call:  020 2249081/313046/7 /+254722 221120 to get a data report as per your needs.

Download PIEA Data Digitization Communique to Members 2019


Download Q3 2019 Industry Report


Download Q1 2018 industry Report


Download Q3 2017 industry report


Download Q2 2016 industry data 


Download Q1 2016 industry data