Membership criteria

The membership of the Institute comprises of five categories of Senior Corporate, Junior Corporate, Associate Member (which includes partnership, company or corporation), Individual and Honorary members engaged in the Petroleum Industry or allied Industry.

Senior corporate

A Senior Corporate member shall be a duly licensed Oil Company actively participating in downstream petroleum activities in Kenya. The qualification criteria shall include:


  1. Be a signatory to the Transport and Storage Agreement with Kenya Pipeline Company
  2. Active Sales Participation of Petroleum products in a minimum of 3 market segments in Kenya:
  • Retail Service station Segment
  • Consumer/Industrial Segments
  • Aviation Segment
  • Marine Segment
  1. Have a minimum investment in petroleum infrastructure as follows:-
    • Minimum of twenty retail service stations OR
    • Storage terminal with capacity of at least one million liters of refined products OR
    • LPG storage capacity of one hundred MT
  1. Enjoy a significant inland market share of a minimum of 2.5% as assessed by the Petroleum Institute of East Africa.


  1. Own and operate a pipeline of a minimum of 100km OR Own and operate a refinery

Junior corporate

A Junior Corporate member shall be a licensed Oil Company that meets the requirements of Energy Act. The qualification criteria shall include:

  1. Active Sales Participation of Petroleum products in any of the following market segments:
    • Retail Service station Segment
    • Consumer/Industrial Segments
    • Aviation Segment
    • Marine Segment

Individual Member

An Individual Member shall be an individual who is an employee of an oil company, or a past

employee of an oil company or an employee (past or present) of an associated industry who is interested in the development of the Petroleum industry in Kenya and the region.

Associated Members

An Associated Member shall be a corporate company engaged in associated and/or related activity with the Petroleum industry. Such associated industries and/or bodies include:

  • Inspection Agencies
  • Kenya Bureau of Standards
  • Department of Weights and Measures
  • Petroleum Equipment Dealers
  • Petroleum Dealers
  • Kenya Association of Manufacturers
  • Marketing Society of Kenya
  • Kenya Ports Authority
  • Major Petroleum Consumers
  • Petroleum contractors
  • Petroleum Transporters
  • Consultants involved in Petroleum issues
  • Upstream Oil and Gas service providers
  • Other companies or institutions wishing to have associate member status

Honorary Member

A Honorary Member shall be a member who has rendered the Petroleum industry in Kenya distinguished service, proposed to the institute by members or membership committee and accepted by the Board of Directors.

General condition of membership

Membership to any class will be recommended by the membership committee and approved by the Board of Directors.

The aforesaid membership is a guideline qualification and the Board reserves its right of discretion for acceptance of applications in conformance to Article 13 and 14 (b) of the Article of Association.

A member must sign the PIEA’s code of ethics on admission.

Increasing PIEA's membership, maintaining diversity and expanding regional representation is a key membership objective. PIEA identifies and is responsive to the needs of all categories of its membership, developing a range of services of perceived value to members.